Friday, January 9, 2009

How We Spent $$ This Christmas!

This year we decided to try and buy gifts in which the money would be put back into something worthy. I thought we'd share in case you needed some ideas for gifts this year!

We bought many of the ladies in our family products from Thistle Farms. Located here in Nashville, they take women who are living on the streets and teach them job skills through the making of all natural beauty and household products. Money from these products go back into the nonprofit.
For a few of the men in the family that like to cook, we purchased some soup and spice mixes from the Women's Bean Project in Denver, Colorado. They have all kinds of soup mixes, spice and chili mixes, cookie mixes, etc. As with Thistle Farms, participants in the program make the products and the money goes back into the nonprofit.

Our niece Abby got a "magazine" subscription for toddlers from the National Wildlife Federation! A new Wild Animal Babies board book comes about once a month.

And finally for my grandparents, we "purchased" one month of tutoring for an inner city child through World Vision.

Don't get me wrong... Walmart and Macy's still got a lot of our money, but it was a fun challenge to see if we could go a little nontraditional on the gift giving this year!

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