Saturday, March 29, 2008

Camera Recommendations?

We want to buy a new digital camera for our anniversary and are looking for recommendations. Have any? Hoping not to spend more than $200 for a simple point and shoot. Leave us a comment and let us know.

If you are looking for a camera, stay away from the brand that starts with a "P" and ends in "oid". Figure I shouldn't say who it is... don't want to be sued! Ours died within a year and they wouldn't replace it. The one we bought for my parents was also dead within a year!

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Snow Video

Wednesday last week we had quite a bit of snow.... didn't really stick, but it looked impressive! At work that day it was pretty quiet, so I took some video of it coming down. That's the center in the video... not my house... We don't have bars on our windows at home.

Of course on Sunday it was 72 degrees and they are calling for a rain/snow mix again tomorrow. Can't wait until it really feels like spring... every day.