Sunday, November 22, 2009

There's Been A Murder!

Last night I went to my first Murder Mystery Dinner party! I was quite nervous, as we were all "actors" at the party and had detailed instructions to follow. But it was a lot of fun! The scenario was that we were all at a bachelorette party at a day spa (hence us all wearing our bathrobes). During the party, there was a murder and we had to solve it. I played "Carina," the bride's cousin, who was also asked to be her wedding photographer (even though I was an artist, painter, by trade). Part of my role last night was to snap pictures, so here are a few!

The crime scene!
Detective Straight filling us in on what happened!

The bride's mother and soon to be dead maid of honor.

Our lovely host Kimberly who worked really hard to get this all together... and then I sold a secret about her character "Blair" for $100. A game is a game!

"Justine" the day spa owner!

We had a lot of fun playing our characters. There were prizes for those who solved the case, the person who made the most money, the person that acted their part out the best, and the best costume. I qualified for none of those.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

New Blog

We filed our paperwork with the state to start our business (more on that later) and we went with a different name than we originally thought we would. So the organizing blog I started now has a new web address! So delete the Taylor Total Home blog links you have and use this one instead.

Hopefully more blog posts coming soon about the business, the murder mystery dinner I'm going to tonight, and our Thanksgiving trip to Jacksonville next week!

Monday, November 2, 2009

Halloween in Birmingham

We headed to Birmingham this weekend to see all the Taylors! We got there on Friday and the playing and squealing began... from Abby AND Jeff! As usual, they played pretty hard and he did his job as an uncle getting her completely wound up before bed each evening!

This was Abby's first year to try trick-or-treating. She made a beautiful fairy! She did well going to just 3 or 4 houses on their street. But she LOVED giving candy out! Every time the doorbell rang, she was on her feet running to the door saying "More kids!"
She was not too happy when it was time for us to leave on Sunday... neither were we. We'll be able to play again at Christmas!