Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Happy Birthday to Me, Happy Anniversary to Us!

Marta told me I had to have a shameless Happy Birthday to Me post today, so here it is! I'm finding 31 is harder to handle than 30 for some reason. But its also our anniversary today! Hard to believe two years ago we were walking down the aisle! Time's flying!

We begin our hunt for a new camera today, so hopefully our posts will be better once we can take some pictures!!


Daniel said...

Happy birthday! 31 was harder for me than 30 too... weird. Hope you have a great day!

Evan and Marta said...

Many things to celebrate today! Congratulations.
I have a Canon A650IS. It's more than $200 so that doesn't really help you, but I thought I would tell you anyway. I like it but the shutter delay is pretty bad, especially since I'm used to the digital Rebel which has no delay. But for my purposes it works fine.