Monday, April 27, 2009

Southside Elementary & Junior High

I spent today (the first day of Clean Air Week) at Southside Elementary & Junior High in Lebanon, TN teaching approximately 900 K-8th grade students about air quality! They were super kids and made it a lot of fun. I'm feeling it now though! I'm tired and my feet are aching! I did seven presentations in a row!! I don't know how teachers do it all day! This was my first time going into the schools for my new job, but hopefully not the last. Here are some pictures from today!

Those are 4th graders who are taller than me!

I had the most fun with the little ones. These were 1st & 2nd graders who were acting out the levels of the Air Quality Index for me.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

What a fun day. Do you talk to kindergarten classes? Everyone looks like they are having fun.