Saturday, February 13, 2010

I apparently can only work on one blog...

So its been forever since I've blogged... sorry! Apparently, I can only handle one blog in my life and the business one has won out! So I'll do what Marta does when it's been a little while since a post, and recap a bit of the last month or so!
  • Getting this business up and running has been time consuming, but we had our first job today! Friends of ours called us, but we're still counting it! Our first ad drops this weekend in Rutherford County, so hopefully the phone will start ringing soon.
  • I hosted a fun Tupperware party a few weeks ago! I got it my stuff this weekend and have been playing with it today!
  • Jeff's 39th birthday was the 6th of this month! He decided he wanted to go to Hickory Falls for dinner and to see Avatar in 3D. I've never been to a 3D movie and it was unreal! Absolutely stunning to watch! Dinner was yummy too! It was the first date night we've had in a while. Good movie, good food, good time!
  • Wednesdays have been dubbed "no tv Wednesdays" here at our house. I'm usually spending time catching up on Bible study and Jeff typically reads. This Wednesday I spent an hour and a half on the phone trying to get the wireless modem I bought Jeff for his birthday working. It works now.
  • Beginning yesterday I started volunteering at the Martha O'Bryan Center cleaning out their roughly 2000 sq ft store room. I'm going each Friday until I can get it organized. Good practice for me and something they desperately need done. It was good to see old friends too. One came in and asked what I had done wrong. He thought I had gotten a DUI and had to work off some community service hours. I assured him I was not in trouble and volunteered for the job. I'll post the before and after pictures when I'm finished. I still haven't even cleaned a path to the back 2/3 of the room.
  • Last Sunday was the 10th anniversary of me moving to Nashville. Hard to believe it's been so long!!
  • We've had more snow here this year than I can remember in the 10 years I have been here. There is more on the way tomorrow and I'm already over it. There are WAY too many hills to navigate around here and my 4Runner is the worst thing I've ever driven in the snow. I want my Civic back! I know I shouldn't complain though as mom & dad have had 70-something inches this winter... 40ish in the last week.

Hopefully you'll forgive me for the lapse in posting. Now that we have the wireless setup at home, I'm sure I'll do better. I just don't like sitting at the desk at home after sitting at a desk at work all day.