Thursday, December 31, 2009

Christmas Fun...

(If this post makes no sense, its because I'm watching the VT bowl game while typing!!)

We had a super time celebrating Christmas with the Taylors in Mississippi last week. We left Wednesday morning and headed down. We got there within 30 minutes of everyone else. We really stayed in most of the time we were there, except to go to church on Christmas eve and out to see lights on Saturday night. As usual, Jeff and Abby played pretty hard. Instead of "Uncle Jeff" she called him "my Jeff" the whole time. We also ate lots of good food! The Taylors do fondue on Christmas eve and then they fried a turkey Christmas day. And it's not a holiday without a bunch of yummy pies made by Jeff's dad.

Christmas morning was a blur, but fun. Lots of presents!!! And Abby is now at an age that she can really have fun with it. She got quite a bit of fun stuff. Aunt Becky bought her fingerpaint!! I was kind enough to get the Crayola stuff that only shows up on Crayola paper though! We also introduced her to chalk & chalkboards! A little messy, but cleans up well.

The aftermath...
On Saturday night we drove a little over an hour to Mobile to see the lights at Bellingrath Gardens. We just thought there would be a few lights on some of the trees... not even close! It took us almost two hours to walk through and see everything. It was amazing! Cold, but amazing!
Sunday morning after breakfast we loaded up and headed back. The seven and a half hour trip actually went pretty quick. It was fun to spent that time with everyone.

Friday, December 18, 2009

Things Are Rolling!

We have been working really hard to have the new business up and running by January 1st and I think we'll make it! We still have insurance to get and a way to process credit cards, but that's it! Well, that's not it-- but its all we have to do before we can get cleaning. After that we have web design, advertising, etc.

So pray for us as we begin this journey! I'll still be working full time at my day job. Hopefully, I'll be able to keep working my four day schedule so I can have a day to help Jeff with bookkeeping and scheduling.

In addition to the blog, folks can follow us on Twitter too!

We hope everyone has a very Merry Christmas this year! We're heading to Mississippi to spend Christmas with the Taylors. I'm sure we'll have lots more pictures to post when we get back. We always do when we get to hang out with Abby for a few days!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

A Great Thanksgiving!

Jeff and I spent Thanksgiving in Florida this year with my grandparents, aunt, uncle, and cousins. Typically when we go to FL, we take it pretty easy. This year we were out and about quite a bit. We left Nashville on Wednesday late afternoon and drove to Macon, GA where I scored an $89 hotel room on for $45! We got to Jacksonville around noon on Thursday. We threw Grandmom & Granddad in the car with the food they made and headed to the Smiths for a yummy Thanksgiving dinner!!! After dinner we went to the movies (a Smith tradition) and saw "Old Dogs".

Friday we got up and headed for the Jacksonville Zoo. It was fun, but pretty chilly for FL. Although it was probably in the 50's, we saw a few people in winter coats. I had to borrow one of Jessi's sweatshirts.

After the zoo, the boys went to the park to play disc golf. I tagged along to take pictures!

We also got to see Josh & Jenn's townhouse that they did a fabulous job fixing up!

Saturday we went to a huge craft fair at the convention center and came home to watch the Hokies kick UVA's butt!

We were sad to leave Sunday, but plan to go back in the spring!

It was great to see everyone!