Friday, February 22, 2008

I'm DONE!!

After a very long two months of research, meetings, standing strong on issues, and plain old freaking out... today I submitted our grant proposal to United Way for their three year funding cycle! Printed, it comes out to 20 pages. This will, if awarded, provide funds for my afterschool program, the one at Martha O'Bryan Center and the Reading program.

This year, each question had a 2500 character limit on it. It has ruined my typing! I still have to stop after every period and make sure I put TWO spaces instead of the ONE I was using to save space! Looking at the paragraph above it seems I'm still not doing too well!

This is a picture of my computer while I was clicking "submit"!

The process isn't done... still have an interview round once we've made it that far. We'll know how much we get in MAY! The hard part is over though. I'm sleeping very late tomorrow!

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

It's Snowing!

I'd love to show you a picture of how pretty the snow was on our house this morning, but the camera is still toast. You'll just have to close your eyes and picture it!

Blogs aren't fun without pictures. Sorry.