I can see the church we got married in from my office!
Everyone at the office seems really nice. I worked with Lisa, the executive assistant, at the Martha O'Bryan Center years ago, so it was nice to have a familar face today!
And me with Misty Moody, my partner in crime and supplier of tires the last several years.
Then once the kids arrived after school, we had another party! They made a slide show for me with pictures from my last eight years. Of course I had taken the majority of the pictures so they had trouble finding any with me in them! Some of my girls that are in college now came, as did one of my students that moved out of the apartments. I got lots and lots of cards! When I can get them all in one spot I'll take a picture of all my gifts. I really wasn't expecting it! Even one of my volunteers showed up with a gift. Very generous people! Probably one of my favorite gifts is a framed picture of my students (or most of them!) that was given specifically for me to hang in my new office. They all signed the mat around the picture. Here are a few of the pictures from last night. I think I might try to do a slide show on blogger later today with all of them.
This is Jalisa, one of my graduates!
These are the Eli sisters... Yasmine, Ilham, and Jihan. I've had them in my program for at least seven years! Ilham is at Belmont this year, Yasmine is a junior in high school and Jihan is in the 7th grade! I've known them since they were teeny tiny! In fact, Jihan was in Kindergarten I think!
My yummy, yummy cake!
This is Kenithia, our Education Assistant and one of my all-time favorite people! She's rescued me a countless amount of times since she came in August of 2006!
Abby playing with "Maddie", Jeff's mom
Then this weekend, my parents were here for a visit and to celebrate Kelly's 29th birthday. They ran errands with me on Friday and then Saturday we went to The Avenue, the new mall in Murfreesboro. I'm not that great at entertaining! Apparently, not so great at taking pictures either. They were here three days and the only picture I took was of the apple pie Mom made for Kelly's birthday. If you look close, you can see it says, "Kelly- 29" on the top! Mom's a nifty baker!
This Sunday we'll get to see Jeff's parents again. They'll be staying with us a few days on their way back from Tazewell to see Don's sister.
In other news, now that I'm having to do some research for my new job (air quality info), I've put a link on the right side of ways to help our air quality this fall. No political statement really... just trying to figure out if I could paste the info into a website. Thanks for being my lab rats! I'm also going to add links to the two agencies I'll be working for!
Here's the view from a distance. Notice how lovely our grass is (or lack there of!). We'll be working on that in the fall!!!
This is what the plants look like today. We started them in cups in the house and they have REALLY taken off since we put them in the ground to stretch out! We've got (from left to right), tomatoes, cucumbers, squash (maybe yellow, but I think I accidently planted butternut), and watermelon!
Right now we have broccoli, cauliflower, brussel sprouts, and butternut squash (again?) started in our kitchen for the fall garden. We'll also plant snap peas, spinach, lettuce, and carrots depending on how much room we have!
Yum, yum.
The new fence! Now our neighbors won't have to look at our dead grass!... at least not in the back yard. We'll spend some time this weekend getting our garden built along the back (at least part of it). Our vegetables are growing in cups and would like to stretch out a bit!
The geniuses who built our fence dragged our hose into the backyard to mix concrete and then built the fence on top of it! We have some digging to do to get it out!
Saturday we took a train ride to McCaysville, GA/Cooperhill, TN... the state line ran right through the middle of downtown!
We also just chilled out at the cabin, ate some good local food, and of course... played cards!!
For all of our pictures, you can see Becky's Blog. She posted a slideshow on hers! The link is on the left hand side of the page.
Jeff and I at the reception. We were asked to read scripture at the ceremony and managed not to butcher it too much!
And finally we ended the weekend with a Cacace family wedding tradition. Beginning in 2001 after my cousin Phil's wedding to Brooke, Uncle Rusty (shown above) made each of us write out the order in which the remaining 11 grandchildren would get married. At each wedding we pull out the cards and score them. When scoring is done, they are sealed in an envelope, signed by someone on the seal and returned to Uncle Rusty's safe deposit box until the next wedding! We aren't competitive or anything! So far Kelly is winning. Laurie is in second and Grandmom is a close third... although we think she listed someone twice! =) Apparently, all of the uncles are going in on a gift for the winner at the end of all of this... although we are only on wedding 5 of 12 so it will be a while!
Opening gifts!
Okay, so this is what Aunt Becky made for her birthday present! First attempt at a rag doll!
But it seemed to go over well!
The sliding board we bought... well, she's still not too sure about that!